Saturday, June 23, 2007

Comings and Goings

We're having the unusual experience of no black / yellow-billed kites (Milvus migrans - some authorities divide them into two full species while others consider them two races within the one species) in our skies these days. The African-resident race/species (yellow-billed) is here almost all the time, but does follow some intra-African migration patterns. I assume that's what has happened to them temporarily, but they'll be back soon, I'm sure. The typical view of this graceful raptor is captured in the photo at

I've glimpsed a couple of that miniature flying jewel, the African pygmy kingfisher (Ispidina picta), in the past week or two. It's been a while since they've been around -- another intra-African migrant. Nice to have them back, with their habit of appearing out of nowhere after launching from an inconspicuous perch and zinging in a straight line to their next stop. Like their larger and more abundant cousin, the woodland kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis), they are not water-dependent but live primarily on insects and any other animal even smaller than they are, wherever they can find them. Check out some amazing pictures of these beauties at

We have also had bronze sunbirds (Nectarinia kilimensis) back in the area lately after not having seen them for a few months. These are the only species common in Mbale in which the males have the elongated central tail feathers sported by several members of this showy family (see the male pictured on the flower-pendant of a banana tree at

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